Annual meeting highlights community accomplishments


PROVIDENCE – More than 120 people attended the eighth annual meeting of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island on June 12. They gathered to honor members of the Jewish community with awards, recognize the work of the past year and witness the transfer of leadership on the board.

After a three-year term as chair of the board of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island, Mitzi Berkelhammer passed the gavel to James Pious, who has served the community in many volunteer leadership roles.

The Reisman Leadership Development Award was presented to Mara Ostro.

The Norman D. and Flo Tilles Community Relations Council Award was presented to Cara Mitnick.

The Lea Eliash/Grinspoon Award for Excellence in Education went to Marsha Gibber.

A special Community Recognition Award went to Marisa Garber and Jeffrey Padwa of Jewish Collaborative Services.

For a more complete report on the meeting and additional photos, check out the July 5 issue of Jewish Rhode Island.

Alliance, annual meeting,