Calendar of events

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Saturday, December 14

Kids' Night Out: Winter Wonderland

6:00 PM
Kids' Night Out is a night for kids to have fun while parents have the night off. Activities include gym games/sports, art, board games, free play, and a movie. Dinner and popcorn included!

Sunday, December 15

Tuesday, December 17

Emanu-El's Got Talent + Hannukah Bazar

6:30 PM
Emanu-El's Got Talent + Hannukah Bazar

Thursday, December 19

Teen Nights at Temple Beth-El

6:00 PM
Join other Jewish Teens at Temple Beth-El for dinner, discussion, and community.

Wednesday, December 25

Chanukah: 1 Candle

The Jewish festival of rededication; also known as the Festival of Lights

Thursday, December 26

Chanukah: 2 Candles

The Jewish festival of rededication; also known as the Festival of Lights

Friday, December 27

Chanukah: 3 Candles

The Jewish festival of rededication; also known as the Festival of Lights

Saturday, December 28

Chanukah: 4 Candles

The Jewish festival of rededication; also known as the Festival of Lights

Sunday, December 29

Chanukah: 5 Candles

The Jewish festival of rededication; also known as the Festival of Lights