4218 results total, viewing 3781 - 3790
The problem with getting older is you still remember how things used to be. • Paul Newman How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were? • SatchelPaige You can’t turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again. • … more
You have probably heard that physical activity and exercise are the best things you can do for your body. Being active has countless benefits and can allow you to lead a healthy life. Starting young is extremely important but continuing as you age … more
Even on a snowy day in February, the office at The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at The University of Rhode Island (URI) is busy with activity.  Members are arriving for a course on Lincoln, or The Guided Autobiography, asking questions … more
Have you ever experienced a “senior moment” when you cannot remember someone’s name or a word when you need it and wonder if this could be an early symptom of Alzheimer’s disease? Well, if so, you are not alone. Recalling names or words, … more
With people living 20 and 30 years into retirement, planning for retirement has become far more important than it was for your grandparents. Retirement planning can be a daunting task. For many, it is something given far too little consideration. … more
The statistics on falls among older adults are alarming. Approximately two-thirds of accidental deaths of older adults living in Rhode Island are due to injuries sustained from a fall. Falls are also the most common cause of non-fatal injuries and … more
Shoveling out? Here are some tips on how to shovel snow safely from the Snow & Ice Management Association (SIMA). TIP #1: Stay on top of the snow. No we aren’t suggesting that you make snow angels but when there’s a heavy snow, the best … more
What is an Advance Directive? “Advance” refers to a time in the future when your physician has determined you are no longer able to participate actively in your health care decisions.  “Directive” refers to your ability to direct … more
Zimriyah (songfest), an annual choral festival, is a beloved tradition for Jewish Community Day School (JCDS). During rehearsals Ruti Adler, Hebrew Language Consultant (right), encouraged students to showcase their vocal talents. The program was … more
According to the CDC, each year more than 700,000 Americans have a heart attack. Of these, nearly  200,000 occur in people who have already had heart failure. In June 2013, Danny Oberman, an Israeli originally from Australia who made Aliyah in … more
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