9433 results total, viewing 5781 - 5790
On Friday evening, June 17, I was one of about 100 people attending the fifth annual LGBTQ Pride Shabbat at Temple Habonim, in Barrington. The service was one of a large number taking place … more
Are you weary of the political campaign? Many people are. But just as many seem to relish the national debate, as down and dirty as it may get. It feels as if the country has been embroiled … more
The Jewish Alliance Annual Campaign season is about to begin, and optimism and enthusiasm abound. Co-chairs Susan Froehlich and Jamie Pious, longtime lay leaders, make quite a team. They have … more
People from all over lined up on Sunday, Aug. 28,  to buy the contents of the Temple Am David building. The sale started at 9 a.m. By noon, much had been sold, including the contents of the gift … more
Love to sing? Shireinu, the Jewish Community Chorus of Temple Sinai, is seeking new members as it prepares for its 10th anniversary season.   Under the direction of artistic director … more
A few days after visiting Newport in August 1790, President George Washington sent a letter to the area’s Jews affirming one of the key principles of the new nation: religious liberty. And, 226 … more
More than 30 NextGen-ers (ages 25-45) participated in the recent 2nd Annual (401)j Shabbaton at Camp JORI. The weekend was filled with both praying and playing. Activities included noshing, Cranium … more
For the past two years, Gilor Meshulam served as the shaliach (Israeli emissary) throughout Rhode Island. His list of activities is long: he taught in several schools, worked with Hillel members at … more
The Rhode Island Maccabi delegation competed in Stamford, Connecticut the week of Aug. 8. Participants were: Josh Litmanovich (table tennis), Gabe Mernoff (tennis), Jake Hammarstrom … more
What should I do if I miss my mother’s yahrtzeit date?   D.S., Barrington Dear D.S., If you miss the yahrtzeit date of any family member, the recommendation is to attend … more
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