9433 results total, viewing 6011 - 6020
The “Nakba” event held at Brown RISD Hillel on May 11 is alarming and sets a dangerous precedent. The event titled “Jews Facing the Nakba” – held on Yom ha-Zikaron and … more
On May 10, Yom ha-Zikaron was honored at the Dwares Jewish Community Center in Providence. Yom ha-Zikaron, as its name in Hebrew implies, remembers the thousands of Israeli soldiers, Jews and … more
JTA – Somebody had better put a mezuzah on the Lincoln Bedroom. Whoever ends up winning the election in November, one thing seems certain: For the first time in history, Jews will be in … more
On Oct. 15, 2015, anti-Semitic and racist leaflets were distributed on Providence’s East Side.  Just months ago a Brown student discovered anti-Semitic messages on the walls directly … more
As an educator with 30 years experience, a Jew and a parent I feel compelled to respond to Howard Brown’s letter dated May 13. I am not sure in which direction the author intended to lead … more
Terezin, or Theresienstadt, was not a death camp like Auschwitz or Treblinka or Chelmno.  As a matter of fact, the Nazis even permitted the Red Cross to visit it ... once.   During that … more
The last few weeks have featured a number of important commemorations in the Jewish calendar.  Yom ha-Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) was followed by Yom ha-Zikaron (Day of Remembrance for the … more
The Providence Hebrew Day School’s annual awards dinner will be held on Sunday, June 5, at the school.  Rabbi Yechezkel Yudkowsky and his wife, Shiffy Yudkowsky, are the recipients of … more
PROVIDENCE – Attending annual meetings is often a chore (or a bore), but Beth-El’s, held on May 18, was refreshing.  So many congregational leaders expressed heartfelt thanks for all … more
I wish more people knew about Lag B’Omer here in the exile. In Israel, more than 150,000 people camp out on Mount Meron for an all-night Lag B’Omer … more
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