Alliance holds 13th annual meeting, honors community members


PROVIDENCE – Community members gathered on June 10 for the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island’s 13th annual meeting, held at the Alliance’s Dwares Jewish Community Center.

In addition to installing a new board and officers, the event celebrated the past year's accomplishments and recognized leadership.

Rabbi Howard Voss-Altman, of Temple Habonim, in Barrington, gave a D’var Torah that addressed the situation in Israel. Read his remarks on page 13.

Richard Licht, chair of the first Alliance board, installed the officers and board members of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island, the Jewish Federation Foundation and the Alliance Realty Board.

He began his presentation by saying, “These are challenging times for Jews wherever they may be. The forces of antisemitism, which include antizionism, are rampant in our nation and the world, and in too many quarters demonizing our people is not only accepted but championed.

“We are fearful. But we are fortunate that here in our small but wonderful state, the Alliance is a bastion which tirelessly combats the forces and voices of hate. The Alliance leaders, lay and professional, look fear in its face and display strength, courage and confidence.

“By educating and forging alliances with our local, state and federal officials, by taking a solidarity mission to Israel, by confronting antisemitism whether on college campuses in any of our cities or towns or wherever it appears, or by celebrating Jewish life, as was done a week ago [at the Jewish Culture Fest, June 2], we are not only safer, but Rhode Island is a better place to live.”

Licht went on to say that the newly installed leaders will surely serve with distinction and effectiveness, like those who have served before them.

The Reisman Leadership Development Award was presented to Avi Rosenstein by board chair Harris Chorney, who cited Rosenstein’s significant service to the Alliance and the community, including serving on the Alliance’s board and as vice chair of communications.

The Tillis Award for Community Relations was presented to Ryan Forman by Community Relations Council chair Cara Mitnick, who spoke of Forman’s efforts at building community and his advocacy, as well as his interfaith outreach.

“I appreciate his low-key approach to solving problems,” she said.

Alliance President and CEO Adam Greenman presented a Special Award to Miriam Esther Weiner for her years of service to Providence Hebrew Day School and the Rhode Island Jewish community.

“She is a passionate advocate for all of Jewish Rhode Island,” Greenman said.

Weiner is moving to Phoenix this summer to become head of a private girls school.

Greenman then presented the Gail Putnam Award to Alcira Tetreault, the Alliance’s director of wellness and member experience, for always going above and beyond in her work and commitment to the Alliance.

Special recognition went to retiring staff members Sara Foster and Rebecca Darezzo, who Greenman said have both had a big impact on the community.

Greenman also reflected on the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island’s Bar Mitzvah year. The Alliance brought together as one entity the Jewish Federation of Greater R.I., the Jewish Community Center and the Bureau of Jewish Education.

“The Alliance is coming of age,” he said. “We have grown up.”

He challenged the audience to step up their community service, saying the community can only be successful when everyone is involved. You can read Greenman’s complete statement on Page 12.

FRAN OSTENDORF ( is the editor of Jewish Rhode Island.