Chased Schel Amess Assn. installs officers


The 111th Annual Meeting of the Chased Schel Amess Association (Lincoln Park Cemetery) was held on Sunday, June 9, at Tamarisk Senior Living Residence.

The following officers were installed for a term of one year:

President: Aaron Weintraub,

1st Vice President: David Mossberg,

2nd Vice President: Michael Weiner,

Financial Secretary: Susan Vederman,

Treasurer: Steven Sholes

Board Members at Large installed for a term of three years: Arline Elman, Steven Hershey, Lowell Lisker, Michael Penn, Mona Scheraga, Garrett Sock

Board Member at Large installed for a term of two years: Ried Redlich

Board Members at Large installed for a term of one year: Cheryl Adessi, Lynda Golditch

The following Board Members at Large have a term of two years remaining: David Altman, Andrew Gilstein, Aaron Guttin, Bruce Wasser, Linda Weisman

The following Board Members at Large have a term of one year remaining: Marc Gertsacov, Sam Mendelowitz, Gerald Sherman, Marvin Stark

The Installing Officer was Murry Gereboff.

Submitted by Publicity Chairman Lowell Lisker