Temple Habonim Havdalah & S'lichot Service + Music, Meditation, and Growth


Join us for Havdalah & S'lichot Service immediately followed by An evening of Music, Meditation, and Growth.

A musical conversation led by legally blind Jewish musician Charlie Kramer on perceived limits and how to overcome them. Charlie will share his story, answer questions, and teach songs that continue to guide his path to healing.

7:00 pm:  Havdalah & S'lichot Service [watch via our youtube channel]

8:00 pm: An evening of Music, Meditation, and Growth with Charlie Kramer [on Zoom]

Registration required. Please register by Thursday, September 10: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcuceCoqzorHtCxsFMZLMr5f70WH731fOMi

Event Date
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Event time
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Cost / donation
Adina Davies,
.org, 401-245-6536