Holocaust Memorial a reality


The Holocaust Memorial glows with 70 lanterns during the WaterFire lighting Aug. 29. /WATERFIRE PROVIDENCE, JOHN NICKERSONThe Holocaust Memorial glows with 70 lanterns during the WaterFire lighting Aug. 29. /WATERFIRE PROVIDENCE, JOHN NICKERSON

Less than a week after its dedication, the Holocaust Memorial is well on its way to fulfilling the hopes and dreams of its visionaries. On Aug. 26, a crowd of more than 200 community members and survivors, including clergy from many faiths and local politicians, attended the dedication of the memorial, designed by artist Jonathan Bonner and landscape architect Will Green. Committee chairman Herb Stern led a group of speakers including Rep. James Langevin, Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza, Providence City Councilman Samuel Zurier, Alliance CEO Jeffrey Savit, Alliance Chief Program Officer Michelle Cicchitelli, RI State Council of Churches Rev. Dr. Don Anderson, Alliance Board Chair Sharon Gaines, Rabbi Wayne Franklin, Rabbi Barry Dolinger and Rabbi Sarah Mack. Cantor Jodi Blankstein sang.

On Aug. 29, the memorial was a featured part of WaterFire. Mentioned in the program and highlighted with some of the programmed music, the pathway to the memorial was lined with 70 candle lanterns. A large basket filled with clear glass pebbles was placed at the entrance.  According to Barnaby Evans, executive artistic director, 2,534 people placed a glass pebble on the main stone of the memorial. This was despite the fact that light was very low and there were no signs or hosts to instruct people as to what to do.

“We felt it would be wrong not to welcome the memorial on its first day” at WaterFire,” said Evans.

Stern, when interviewed during the later stages of planning the memorial, said he hoped that WaterFire would draw people to the memorial.

Plans are in the works for continuing to highlight the memorial at future WaterFire lightings. The pebbles will be available beginning in midafternoon at the next lighting, according to Evans. That lighting is scheduled for Sept. 12 at 7:02 p.m.

To learn more about the Rhode Island Holocaust Memorial, go to riholocaustmemorial.org.

FRAN OSTENDORF is editor of The Jewish Voice.